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  • acmesupports

    We haven’t created any post type for the related posts. We used there WordPress query for related post. Please find the related post codes on that files and customize as per need.


    Hello James,
    Is that plugin is working on the featured image but not working on Related Post? Related post image will appear from the featured image. If you add the multiple featured image, the related post will not aware that which featured image need to appear there. So, you need to customize the related post code.
    Find the code inside acmethemes/hooks/related-post.php and try to customize the theme. We haven’t tested all the plugin of the WordPress repo, so it may arise conflicts on the plugin.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Hide info on author, date posted, category, etc. #7037

    Hello jimmyriverhillstraveler,
    Thanks for your questions. If you want to do that, you have to customize the code. There is no readymade options to make it up and down. Please find the code inside
    template-parts and customize the code of content.php and content-single.php as your need.
    Otherwise, please add the below CSS codes on Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS

    .single .entry-meta {
        display: none;
    .single .entry-footer {
        display: none;
    .archive .entry-meta {
        display: none;
    .archive .entry-footer {
        display: none;

    Note: Child theme is recommended to customize theme.

    Thank You

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by acmesupports.
    in reply to: Breadcrumb NavXT plugin #7036

    Hello Riccardo,
    You installed the Breadcrumb plugin instead of using theme default plugin? You are here color is always same as theme primary color. You can change the primary color of theme from Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Color Options > Basic Color Options.
    Or, if you need a different color, you need to write the CSS codes.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Format time #7035

    Hello Riccardo,
    Can you please try this function.
    This is date display function.

    if ( ! function_exists( 'supermag_date_display' ) ) :
        function supermag_date_display( $format = 'l, F j, Y') {
            echo esc_html( date_i18n( $format ,current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) );

    you can implement this function in the child theme or if you would like to change main theme, the date function is here on, supermag/acmethemes/functions.php, you can just replace the exciting code with the above code.And please let us know if this solve issue.
    Note : We are only suggesting to edit in main theme because we will update the main theme as soon as possible with this updates.
    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: supermag_post_views_count #7034

    Would you please elaborate the scenario? How this comes ? Have you edited any codes? Any plugin installed? What you want to do on theme?
    so that we can understand the issues.

    Thank You

    in reply to: supermag_post_views_count #7017

    Please ask the questions on respected theme forum.

    Thank You

    in reply to: internal links alwas open new tab #6998

    Hello roger,
    Is that link is added from the content section or any other places ? If that code is arising from the codes, you have to find the codes inside acmthemes/hooks folder. Find the code there to customize the code.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Date/Time in header field #6996

    Nice to know that your problem is solved.

    in reply to: Mobile Menu #6995

    Would you please contact us with email. We will solve it with dedicated solutions.

    in reply to: Bullet points are always blue? #6989

    Thank you so much for your kind suggestions. We will surely implement this on next updates. Thanks again.

    in reply to: Date/Time in header field #6988

    Sure, please try it. If not worked, let us know.

    Thank You

    in reply to: internal links alwas open new tab #6987

    Hello roger,
    Thanks for your question. target=_blank will open the link on new tab. You can customize the code.

    Thank You

    in reply to: 2 quick styles questions #6986

    Please add the CSS codes on Appearance > Customize > Layout Options > custom Css

    .slider-section .bx-controls-direction a {
        background: #000;
    .slider-section .bx-controls-direction a i.fa.fa-angle-left {
        color: #fff;
    .slider-section .bx-controls-direction a i.fa.fa-angle-right {
        color: #fff;

    Thank You


    Thank you for your suggestion. We will resolve this issues on next updates.
    Thank You

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