Page 243 – Acme Themes

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  • in reply to: Not available on mobile #6964

    Yes, it is due to the plugin issues. Is all the plugin uninstalled on your site? If so, we will check it and response you. Our theme is full responsive(you already checked) our demo. So, make sure all thing fine from your site as mentioned above too. After than we will check it all.
    Thank You

    in reply to: 2 quick styles questions #6963

    You will find all the options to manage the theme on Appearance – Customize.
    1. Archive widget is WordPress default, so that it need to customize it.
    2. Which color you want to add there? Let us know, we will provide Custom CSS.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Bullet points are always blue? #6961

    You added the UL LI from html or from content options? You need a different color any specified? If so let us know. We will provide you css codes.

    in reply to: Not available on mobile #6944

    Is jetpack plugin installed there? If so please try once by deactivating it. After that, again not worked, would you please provide us the screenshot of the site appeared there. And which mobile device are you using. Please provide us the details, we will check it and inform you.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Bullet points are always blue? #6943

    Hello danielkoepf,
    Thanks for your query. You mean to say, while added list content the bullet color will appear like that? Would you please provide us the link of your site where you added the bullet ? After that, we can know the real problem and solve it accordingly.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Not available on mobile #6931

    Hello Vladson,
    Have you checked our demo on you mobile phone ? Is it working fine? Please check our demo once, and let us know, is that fine for you or not.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Improve the image quality WordPress #6930

    Hello mehmet-can,
    Thank you so much for using our theme.
    1. Please add the high quality images.
    2. Use the Acme Fix Images Plugin to make the image size.
    3. Please have a look on documentation to make the image size.
    Hope this will work for you. If not work, please let us know.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Pixel left column #6921

    We mean to say, if you add the plugin, Acme Fix Images, it will automatically fix the size suitable with the theme and the using procedure of that plugin is mentioned on the documentation.
    1. Set the image size from Setting > Media
    2. Install and Activate the Acme Fix Images plugin and fix the images size.
    Hope, this will help to solve your problem.

    Thank You

    in reply to: How insert adrotate in your theme #6920

    If you want to use it in sidebar, you can add the Widget Text or AT Advertisement widget to paste that shortcode and that widget on the Sidebars available.
    Go to Appearance > Customize > Widgets and add that widgets on the respected sidebars.
    Hope, this will help you.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Mobile Menu #6912

    Hello Claus,
    First, we would like to suggest you to try using the option available in Customizer.
    Would you please try once by adding this css on Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS

    @media screen and (max-width: 992px){
    .slicknav_nav li a {
        color: none !important;

    If not worked, let us know.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Pixel left column #6911

    Hello Riccardo,
    Left Column means sidebar? Please follow the documentation and try to make the site first. If there is any confusion arise, let us know.

    Thank You

    in reply to: How insert adrotate in your theme #6910

    Hello Riccardo,
    Thank for your question. You can add the header banner image from Appearance > Customize > Featured Section. Find Doc here.
    If you want to add your own slider there, you have to customize the theme. You will find the codes on acmethemes/hooks. You can customize the theme as your need too.

    Note: Child Theme is recommended to customize theme.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Date/Time in header field #6897

    Sure, please try it once. If you can’t, please let us know. We will check it and solve it.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Mobile Menu #6896

    Hello Claus,
    Thank You for using our theme Infinite photography Pro. Would you please provide us your site URL, so that we can look on real problem and will provide you the best solutions.

    Kind Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Date/Time in header field #6880

    Hello bsaggregator,
    Thank You so much for using our theme. Have you changed the time zone from the backend ?
    Go to setting > General and set the time zone there. It may work for you. We localize the time zone on theme, means the date and time will appear as your time zone set.
    Please let us know, if not worked.

    Thank You
    Acme Supports

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