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  • in reply to: PHP Version and PHP Memory Limits #4632

    Hello ChicagoMusicGuide,
    Thanks for your question regarding page load time and site optimization. Please follow the site optimization technique like reduce page size, use cache plugin, Removing unwanted plugin, Empty Trash, Reduce Post Revisions/Drafts/Spam/Pingbacks and Trackbacks,Optimize Your Images for the Web, Enable Gzip Compression etc. This help to increase the load time of your site. Hope, this technique is really helpful for you.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Hello Amy,
    Thanks for your question. Would you please provide the valid URL of the site? The URL you provided is not valid. Please check once and provide it. After then, we will find the solution for you.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: ID Section #5670

    Hello Mymarvelblog,
    Thank you so much for using our theme. Please read this blog to make the site as demo, and you will also understand about the ID too.
    Hope this blog post will help you to solve your problem. If you have any query regarding our theme, please do write us.

    Best regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Thumbnails issue #5347

    Hello Hangalka,
    Thank you for using our theme SuperMag. In case of this thumbnail problem, you have to add featured image on every post to remove this default image. If you missed to add feature image on each post default image will appear on post. To get rid of this, you have to add featured image on each post to replace the default image. Or, if you want to remove the featured image completely, you have to customize the theme or go to the premium version of it. We developed the theme on the way that, each post must contain featured image. Please look here to find the difference.


    If you are confuse how to add feature image on post, please have a look here.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Howto remove posts' authors name? #5349

    Hello Roj,
    This feature is not available on the free version of theme. In our Pro version, you can Show/Hide author name on post and widgets. Besides this you can show/hide comments, date, category and can set the different color for different category too. You can find the difference here.
    All the field and options are changeable on pro version of theme, so we recommend you to use pro theme, although you can customize SuperMag theme as your need based on Child Theme approach if you are familiar with WordPress codes.
    If you have any query regarding our theme, please write us.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: A Question about Popular Posts and the Sidebars… #4616

    Hello Michael,
    We understand what you need. You mean to say, you need unique slide bar for front page. This feature is currently not available on the theme. Hope we will add this feature on the new update of theme. If you need this urgent, you have to do some customization on theme theme. If you are familiar with WordPress codes, you can do it through Child Theme approach, otherwise please hire a customizer for this.
    If you have any query regarding our theme, please contact us.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Howto remove posts' authors name? #5351

    Hello Roj,
    Thank you for using our free theme and for your interest on our pro theme. As your requirement, you can show/hide author name details on each post. You can show/hide author on every widgets also. Besides this, there are lots of additional features available on theme. Please check difference here.
    If you have any questions regarding our theme, please do write here.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Hello Andreas
    Thanks for using our theme. We will soon add this functionality on theme. Besides this, we are studying about added some more features on themes too. Please keep patience we will soon come with that features.

    Acme Supports

    in reply to: A Question about Popular Posts and the Sidebars… #4618

    Hello Michael,
    Thank you so much for your question and good suggestion regarding our theme. We really appreciate your suggestion and try to implement it on theme too.
    Based on your problem, you can choose any of the sidebar on each post and page. You can set sidebar individually on each page and post. But, what you mean to say, ” we have content we want displayed while on the front page and do not need all of it displayed while users are in our posts”? Please elaborate this section and please post your site URL so that we can find the exact issue and find the best solutions for it.

    Acme Supports


    Hello Eric972,
    It’s simple to upgrade theme from free to pro. Just buy the theme and download it. After download the theme, Go to appearance > Themes and Add New theme and activate it. After activating, only some section like slider right section need to re-set, because there are lots of additional options for the theme. If you face any problem, we will help you in each step, so don’t hesitate about the problem after using pro theme, we will help you in each steps.

    Acme Supports

    in reply to: How do I change the "Know More" button text? #5701

    Hello Eric972,
    In pro version, there are 4 options to make slider. From page, post, category and custom slider. In case of custom slider you can add image, title, content and your own link. In Read More, you can write your own custom link. So, we recommend you to buy the premium theme, which solve your issues.

    Best Regards,
    Acme supports

    in reply to: Header advertisement- code instead of picture #4741

    Hello Floyd,
    This feature is not available on the AcmeBlogPro. We will soon add this feature on the AcmeBlogPro too. But if you need it urgent, we recommend you to hire customizer for it.

    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Previous Post Redirects To Related Post #5767

    Hi myra,
    Automatic updates is not available on theme. So, you have to update the theme manually. Download the theme from and update the theme manually through FTP or Backend.

    If you have confusion, please write us.

    Acme Themes

    in reply to: Slider Right Section #4620

    Hello Sarah,
    You can only put one post on each slots of slider right section slot. There is no any more options to make it rotate. If you need slider or something new feature, you have to do some custom work for it. If you need any help regarding to customization, you can hire the customization team for it.

    If you have any query, please write us. We will do our best to solve your problems.

    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Remove Header #5902

    Hello David,
    Thanks for your question. In the case of header images on every page, there is no any options to remove it. This theme is designed in the such way that if featured image is not set, default image will display and the page title is displayed above the header image. If you hide that section, the page title will also hide. So, we recommend you to use the header image for each page.
    If you really want to remove it, you have to do some custom CSS work for it. Please add this below CSS on your child theme style.css file.

    .inner-main-title {
        background: none;
        background-color: #f88c00;

    Hope, this code will help you to solve your issues.

    Acme Supports

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