Thumbnails issue - Acme Themes
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  • #5346

    Hello admin,

    I like your theme and i want to use it but i have a little problem in thumbnails that my image wont appear. please see attach
    [img][/img] i follow all the instruction in the tutorial (acme fix image) but it still doesn’t work

    please help thanks


    Hello Hangalka,
    Thank you for using our theme SuperMag. In case of this thumbnail problem, you have to add featured image on every post to remove this default image. If you missed to add feature image on each post default image will appear on post. To get rid of this, you have to add featured image on each post to replace the default image. Or, if you want to remove the featured image completely, you have to customize the theme or go to the premium version of it. We developed the theme on the way that, each post must contain featured image. Please look here to find the difference.


    If you are confuse how to add feature image on post, please have a look here.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

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