Remove date, author data and icons - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Remove date, author data and icons

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  • #13168


    I am using your theme SuperMag for one of my blogs and I would like to remove all the information regarding the date and authors.

    I use a plugin currently to remove it on the blog posts and the author name is removed on the home page.

    But it doesn’t cover the date on the homepage and the icons remain – I would like to have all of these gone.

    I tried to use a customized CSS code recommended on various forums but it doesn’t work on yours so I was wondering if you had a solution to offer me for these?

    Thank you in advance!


    Hello 1121,
    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperMag.
    Meta options show/hide are available on the premium version. So, we recommend you to use the premium version of the theme.
    If you want to do it on free theme, you need to customize the theme. Child Theme is recommended to customize theme.

    Acme Supports

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