Layout of SuperMag - Acme Themes


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  • #8319


    i just installed supermagFREE on my website but couldnot get the layout as shown in the demo
    can someone share the “export settings” for the theme homepage layout so that i can import into my theme and use it?


    Hello tomakali,
    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperMag.
    We are not able to provide the dummy content for the Free version of theme. You need to purchase the pro version for the access of dummy content.
    Please Add Some post and page and try to make the site as our demo with the help of documentation here. And have a look on this blog post as well.
    Hope this documentation will help to make your site awesome.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by acmesupports.
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