Unable to remove featured image in all single post with Custom CSS code - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Unable to remove featured image in all single post with Custom CSS code

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    I noticed that with the update the custom CSS code

    .single-thumb {
        display: none;

    No longer works to remove the featured image from a post. Is there a new work around. Example: http://www.trackingsharks.com/shark-attack-woman-bitten-shark-hawaii/ Featured image duplicates at the top along with the acutla image placed in the post.

    Old Topic https://www.acmethemes.com/supports/topic/remove-featured-image-in-single-post/

    Acme Themes

    Hello Tracker,

    We have a very good news for you, now you don’t need any custom CSS for hiding featured image in the single post. You can hide feature image in single post by going to the Appearance=> Customize => Single Post Options , You will see there Single Post Layout ( Image display options ), there are 3 options

    1. Left Image
    2. Large Image
    3. No Image

    Select No Image for hiding featured image. Hope this will solve your issues.

    Further the next image displaying is not featured image in your site, it is image using in the content.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Themes


    That worked great! Thank you for the quick response.


    Nice to know that your problem is solved.

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