Fitting/Size of featured image is not the smae - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums AcmeBlog Fitting/Size of featured image is not the smae

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  • #13475

    Hi, I noticed that the featured images in the homepage slider are not equal. One is relatively lower than the rest.
    Also, the category buttons doesn’t overlap the featured image in the slider (as seen on the demo).

    Lastly, each featured image corresponding to the latest posts (displayed in the homepage) are small–half the size.

    my blog is if you want to see what i’m talking about


    Hello kattrinna,
    Thank you so much for using our theme AcmeBlog. We request you to use the high quality image and size as well as you need to use the acme fix image plugin to make the images size as on the demo. Please have a look how to make the image size on the theme with the help of documentation.

    Acme Supports


    Hello, I followed the directions indicated in the documentation, even used the acme image fix plug-in and have uploaded photos with at least 1280px in size. Won’t this suffice? However, the size of the featured image of each of the “latest post” is relatively small (half the size in terms of width) in the homepage.
    Also as mentioned previously, some photo in the slider section is “dislocated”.
    You may check out the slider and display in my blog for your reference.


    If you followed the post, and created the new post and use the fresh uploaded image, we need to check this again. I request you to change the media size from Settings > Media once. Example, increase the thumbnail size, medium and large every image size mentioned there and upload the fresh image on the new post and fix the images using Acme Fix Image once. Lets try it, otherwise, please provide us the details of your site on email, we will check it on details.

    Thank You.

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