Problem with Featured Images in Social Media - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Problem with Featured Images in Social Media

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    Hi! I bought SuperMag Pro Theme two years ago and, due to a problem with my hosting and my backup, I was forced recently to build the website all over again, just copying all things right from the older website.

    The thing is, there is a problem with Featured Images that didn’t happen previously. The picture I chose as Featured Imaged, always was shown up when I shared the link in Social Media. That’s very important, cause I always adapt each Featured Image for the previsualization in Social Media. But now, when I share the link social media, the picture that shows up is the one I insert in the text box (with no cropped at all) and several images that have nothing to do with the particular post. How I can solve this?

    I think is just a matter of configuration, cause this has not happened to me before and I didn’t use any plugin for this previsualization in social media.

    I will be very grateful with any help. Thanks in advanced.


    Dear Gabri,
    Could you send us the credentials of your admin panel to us at [email protected]
    Best Regards!


    Hi. My issue still not solved. I wrote at your mail again and I really need this, cause I can’t launch the web until this issue is fixed.

    Thanks in advanced.


    Dear Gabri,
    We haven`t received your email yet please resend us again at [email protected]
    Best Regards!

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