Difficult load on mobile devices. Just 30/33% - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Difficult load on mobile devices. Just 30/33%

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    I really like this theme it’s great the design but it has some significant performance issues. More specifically, loading the site (fast-paying hosting on SSD not free hosting) is a bit difficult. I refer to loading the site on mobile devices.I did a test with Google Page Speed and the result was disastrous. Very slow only 30/33%.I will post the errors that appear in a screenshot here to see. Keeping in mind that most searches are made for a few years using mobile devices, it’s a good idea to take these issues into consideration and fix them. I hope in next versions of this theme also for SuperMagPro to be fixed to have a faster website.

    Acme Themes

    Dear Gaddy,

    It seems like you are using a lot plugins.
    In the above image only one CSS is from the theme https://prnt.sc/m29iij , other are from WordPress itself and from other plugins.

    We recommend you to use Cache plugin and minify css/js plugin and try to minify the css/js and convert theme to one file/request.

    Best Regards!
    Acme Themes


    I am using 8 plugins and these 8 are active such as COokie Notice, ad inserter, akismet, lite box, wp forms lite etc.
    The theme is beautiful. I really like.I noticed that. Thanks for showing me in screenshoot.But I think it can work on improving future performance in future versions. But in a different way. What cache plugin do you recommend?


    Dear gaddy,

    There are number of cache plugins available but the popular among theme are WP Rocket, W3 Total Cache,WP Super Cache and so on.Use any one of them as per your convenient.

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