Child theme - Acme Themes

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  • #54446


    I have created a child theme to this theme because I like to add some customization and don’t want to loose that in a future update.

    I had to go through all the settings again to make my page look like the demo, but one thing I am not able to find is how to change font settings.
    For some reason, when using the child theme I get normal fonts but when I use the main theme the font changes and looks way better. Where do I find this setting?

    Thank you


    Dear WebbProffsen,
    Please provide us screenshots to make your query clear.
    Also, send us the URL of your site so that we can observe it.
    Best Regards!


    Dear WebbProffsen,
    Sorry, typography (font changes) is not available in free theme. To get parent theme style, please create child theme in appropriate way.

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