Header image change per page and News ticker - Acme Themes

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    Loving the theme, especially as it is the first time I have created a site using WordPress.
    Either by advice, fixing it, or buying the pro version, can I achieve either of the following?

    1 – the news ticker – when it picks up a post title of more than a few characters, it expands the blue curved header box at the top to fit it in. This doesn’t look good as the header and pages jumps up and down. can it be set to a fixed(larger) height?

    2 – I like that the images on the header can change, but it is possible to also have certain images in the header image for specific pages. So if I go to the PE page, I can force it to show a sports image, if I go to a general curriculum page, it could just use the same rotation of images as the homepage?
    Thanks, keep up the great work!


    Hello vanginger,
    Thank you so much for your interest on our theme and thanks for using it. As per your question,
    1. News ticker are generally designed for the short title of the post and it covers the small news title. If you need long title compatible, you can manage that via custom css. Can you please share your site link, we will check it and provide you the best solutions.
    2. In this theme you can’t use separate header image for individual page. Same header image will appeared. If you need such features on theme, you need to customize it. Of you can use the plugin available on WordPress repository.
    For more info, please visit theme youtube channel.

    Warm Regards

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