How to add text to the top of the Home Page? - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Education Base How to add text to the top of the Home Page?

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  • #78718

    I have been searching the documentation and the forum but I couldn’t find help regarding this problem.
    On the home page I have selected the widgets AT courses, AT team and AT contact and I have deactivated the sliders because I would like to display a text as the first item the visitor sees. Currently the text that I introduced in the home page is displayed after the widgets. To get the text to the top I have tried to use the widget AT About us and place it as the first widget. This does display the text but I have trouble with the format of the text. After the title there is a suitcase icon shown which I’m not able to edit and then the featured text is displayed in light grey. This is hard to read and doesn’t look nice but I don’t find a way to edit its format. As an alternative I created a new widget myself called introduction and linking it to a text page called introduction. This method does not display anything where the widget is placed and I don’t understand why.
    I would apprciate your help.
    Thank you 🙂


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