Featured Slider ( Category Slider ) - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Featured Slider ( Category Slider )

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  • #5501
    Lellie Jo

    I am really enjoying your theme. I have tried half a dozen and have found yours to fit the unique style and customization that makes mine stand out the way I have hoped it would.
    My question is this…
    How do I add to the featured slider? I would like to add more photos and then link them to my blogs and or pages.
    I have not seen this function available and can not find the steps for it in your FAQ.

    Thank you for the great theme and keep up the good work.
    Lellie Jo


    Hello Lellie,
    Thank you for your nice feedback.
    Please follow the steps:

    • From Customize, go to Featured Section Options then Category Slider Selection
    • Select one of the category for Featured Slider

    Please follow the instruction in the documentation here:


    If you have further any problems, please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,


    Hey there!
    I followed these steps but still slider didn’t appear!
    Please help me! 🙁


    Hello Zipal,
    Please visit this link for information.

    Posts in category slider selection

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports

    Lellie Jo

    In the dashboard
    I went to posts> categories> add new Category
    Under the “add new category” I just made one called “Blogged” and each time I post anything I want added I make sure to click that in the post, blog or story I click the Blogged to add it to the slider.
    If there is an easier way please share if not this is what is working for me.

    I think this theme works great and I am enjoying learning how to enrich it. Thank you for the theme layout!


    Hello Lellie Jo,

    You are doing right way.
    Further you can add category while adding/editing post form Categories box => + Add New Category too.

    Best Regards


    Hi, I’m using the free theme also and I am considering buying the pro version, the only thing holding me back is I cannot get the slider section to work either.

    I believe the problem is because when I go to Customization > Widgets I do not have the Home Main Content Area showing there that is referenced in the documentation.

    I only have Main Sidebar Area and Footer Columns 1, 2 and 3.

    I am testing this theme on a site that has only has Disable Login, WP Review, and Wufoo shortcode plugins installed, and no Jetpack.

    Any ideas why the Main Content section is missing?


    Hello Trajan2845,

    Thank you for interest in our theme.
    Please follow the documentation here https://doc.acmethemes.com/supermag/.
    also Please follow this guide http://www.acmethemes.com/supports/topic/modules-setting-in-front-page/#post-418, it will be useful for free version too.
    Further if you buy premium theme and want to see us problem, having confusion in setting up anything, want simple customization, we will do that for you free of charge. Only for heavy customization we request to order customization http://www.acmethemes.com/customization-request/.

    If you have get any confusion, please feel free to ask, definitely we try our best for solving problem for our free theme user too.

    Best Regards,

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