Site Description and Footer Text - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums SuperMag Site Description and Footer Text

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  • #5413

    Good day,

    Where do I change the Website description at in your theme? Right now Google is just pulling the first bit of text from our home page. I would like to get that changed ASAP. Thank you very much!

    Also, where do I change the copyright information in the footer?

    Thank you very much!


    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperMag. It just simple to change the site description and footer text. Please follow this documentation to change them.
    Site Description:,TaglineandSiteIcon
    Copyright Text:

    We have a premium version of this theme with lots of additional features too. If you have time please visit:

    If you have any query regarding our theme, please feel free to ask.

    Best Regards,
    Acme Supports


    Thank you very much for getting back and providing excellent support! I really appreciate it!

    By chance do you know of a good plugin that would change an image/ad once every page view that would work with your theme? I used to have a plugin that did it, but the developer stopped maintaining it and it stopped working and I have had a very hard time finding another plugin that would do this.

    The closest I’ve found is an image rotator, but while I am using it in some spots, I really don’t want all my ads rotating every few seconds. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated!

    I am seriously contemplating getting your premium version of the theme because of how well developed it is. I know it is already discounted, but do you offer other discounts as well? $40 is about all I could budget for at this time.

    Thank you very much!


    Hello ChicagoMusicGuide,

    Would you please contact us through here . Please provide us your email address too, we will get back to you. In a valid reason we will provide you discount.

    Best Regards,

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