Feature Text Slider repeats title twice - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Corporate Plus Feature Text Slider repeats title twice

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  • #23727

    Hi guys,

    I use 3 text slides at my homepage with child pages.
    Problem is the title of those pages is repeated at the beginning of the pages main text!

    For example, if the child theme’s title is “This is my page title” and the page content starts with “This my page content”, the slider will first display the full title – which is OK – but below will display an excerpt with the first 5-6 lines of my page content that will start like that:

    “This is my page title This is my page content…”

    Is there a way to remove the page’s title from this excerpt please?

    Many thanks!


    Hello dsl25,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Corporate Plus. Please add the below CSS codes inside Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS,

    .text-slider-caption {
        display: none;

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you


    Thanks for this but it removed the whole block of excerpt text!
    I only need to remove the title of the page that repeats at the beginning of the excerpt content.

    Please see screenshot here: https://cloudup.com/cUW-LT5REep


    For such case, please put the content in the Excerpt section of that page. Go to Pages > Edit Page which you have to edit > Check Screen Options on Upper Right corner and Enable Excerpt from there. After that scroll down, you will see the Excerpt filed. Add the required content for your slider. The content of the excerpt field will appear on the slider and the content you added above on the content section will be on inner pages. Check this blog post for more help. https://www.acmethemes.com/blog/2017/10/excerpt-field-wordpress/

    Thank you


    That’s right!
    Many thanks for your kind assistance, problem solved.

    One more thing: does this slider have a duration I can modify?


    Hello dsl25,
    You need to customize the theme code for this case. Check the code file on assets/corporate-plus-custom.js and we are using BX Slider, check the Image Slider Section and customize the JS code.
    Try once yourself and let us know how it works.

    Thank you


    Many thanks, I added the “pause” option and it seems to work better now!


    Thank you

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