Slider Image Fit - Acme Themes

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  • #15326

    How can I fit the images in slider like this theme:

    I want it responsive. Currently, on mobile, the image gets cropped. I don’t want that I want it fit to screen.


    Hello ameyban,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Mercantile.
    Depends on what you understand by responsive. The slider is full screen regardless of screen size and the images (actually background images) are set to cover that certain screen size. Obviously, that means some parts of the image will be cropped because your image sizes won’t be the same as the device size. Hope you understand what we mean. Can you please add the image we used on demo and check once.
    Thank you


    Okay! How can I make it like one in the link? Kindly tell me what to change in CSS.


    The above image is not background image. The approach used on this two theme is different, so in this case we suggest you to customize the theme code. Can we have your site url please, we will check once and try to find any possible options.
    Thank you


    I have same problem with images in slider:
    Could you help, please?
    Thank you!


    Hello @sbl,

    Thank you so much for using our theme Mercantile.
    Depends on what you understand by responsive. The slider is full screen regardless of screen size and the images (actually background images) are set to cover that certain screen size. Obviously, that means some parts of the image will be cropped because your image sizes won’t be the same as the device size. Hope you understand what we mean. Can you please add the image we used on demo and check once.
    Thank you

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