Unstick Header? - Acme Themes
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  • #21308

    I can’t find any place in the customization to unstick the header. Is that not possible? Surely you can provide a custom CSS code to do such.


    Dear stsorrell,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Mercantile. To unstick header, this feature is available only on the premium version of this theme. So we recommend you to check the premium version for added features. If you need it on this free version, you need to customize the theme codes. You can check custom.js file and customize the sticker header code as your need.
    Please try once and let us know the results.



    I would edit the .js file, but apparently the permissions to access that file do not allow me to open it or download it.


    You can check file via cpanel or FTP and edit it.
    Let ua know if you can’t do it yourself. We will try to help you with another method.


    I’m building a site for a client and I have no FTP access. I tried using an editor plugin that allowed access to .js files, etc. but the permissions do not allow me to open it.

    Never mind…while I might not be busiest wordpress web designer out there, I’ve done a few dozen sites, and I’ve never had a theme where something like a sticky header wasn’t optional, even in a free theme. Your theme is nice, but the free version is very limited as to what you can do. I’ll find another theme.


    Thank you for your feedback. We will try to add this feature in next update.
    Thank you


    Forgive me…perhaps I didn’t look long enough. I was looking everywhere for how to unstick the header. You have it under Menu options, and I was able to unstick it there. Weird place to have that option, but hey…it works.

    I do have one other issue…can you point me to the code, or at least what file I can find it in, so that I can resize the featured image on a page? For example, I have created a page for a doctor and his staff…I have to use the featured image so that their photo will show up on the Home Page under the AT Team section. But when you click through to the actual page, the photo is blown WAY up. I need to resize, or somehow allow it to show in the original size of the uploaded photo.


    Holy cow…pretty much nothing is customizable in the free theme…you only get customization in the Pro theme. I see that featured images sizing is available in the Pro Theme. I also was wondering why the Team members as shown on the home page in the AT Team Section do not sort according to the order I set on each page? Is that something that is also part of the Pro version too?


    Dear Stsorrell,
    First we recommend you to check all the options available inside the customizer. If the available options are not useful or helpful you can customize the theme and it is GPL so that you can make your site as your need.
    Here in this case, if image appeared blur or wrong WAY please try by uploading the high quality image size and check again. In case of ordering page, you can just change the page published date. The latest date items will be the first items and so on.
    We are trying to provide maximum features on free theme although we are not fully success. We always looking for users feedback and suggestions for it. We really appreciate your time and comments here so that we can make the product quality better in coming updates. If you have any further suggestions, please let us know, we will try to implement on coming days.


    Thanks for your response. Uploading a higher quality image won’t change the fact that the size of the photo is way too big one the page. Can you tell me which file that code is in so I can customize it myself?


    You can check content-page.php & acmethemes/sidebar-widgets/acme-team.php and you can customize the theme.


    Thank you so much…I’ll see what I can do!


    Sure, please let us know after your success. 🙂


    Got it. I removed two lines in the content-page.php file that referred to “thumbnail=full” or similar. Now the featured image displays in the original size.

    thanks again!


    Nice to know that your problem is solved.


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