Portfolio WordPress Theme « Acme Themes Blog

Best Free Minimalist WordPress Themes


Less is more. This principle applies to the web industry as well. So, let’s get straight to the point. Usually, website owners try to make their site MORE effective, functional, and user-friendly. While doing so, they end up pouring in tonnes of features and extras on their website. A huge fraction of bloggers are also the victim of this addiction. So, what has this resulted into? Tonnes of amazing features in websites, BUT huge portions of puzzled and annoyed visitors too. Web visitors that find difficulty navigating your website, or the ones that find themselves hard to concentrate on your content with all the bells and whistles around on the screen.   So, what is the ultimate solution? Using a […]

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Best CV & Resume WordPress Themes (Free+Premium)

best cv resume wordpress themes

A list of the best WordPress resume themes to show your resume and CV with a portfolio online. These resume themes are handpicked from a vast list of free and premium WordPress themes built for CV, resume, and portfolio. Presentation is key. It is no secret that a unique and well-designed CV or resume immediately grabs the attention of recruiters. If built right, you can land your dream job. Here at Acme, we have spent a few days finding out the best WordPress themes so you don’t have to. You can now check these few of the best themes to build your CV and resume website. Why Should You Build a Website to Showcase Your CV, Résumé, and Portfolio? Giving […]

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20+ Best Free Portfolio WordPress Themes for 2023

free portfolio wordpress themes

Online presence certainly matters a lot in the professional lives of people. Any individual who has a supreme and powerful online presence has a high chance of advancing promptly in their field. And one can strengthen his/her online presence with his/her portfolio website. Generally, a portfolio website means a personal webpage of any individual where he/she showcases their qualification, experience,  skills, and collection of their previous work. It is simply a way to let people know them professionally. And many people would definitely want to have a portfolio website for themselves. In this blog, we would like to share the best free portfolio WordPress themes. As it is well-known that, WordPress is one of the best and simple platforms for building […]

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