Some issues with RTL Feature Section ( Arabic version ) - Acme Themes

Best Premium and Free WordPress Themes Forums Feminine Style Some issues with RTL Feature Section ( Arabic version )

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  • #79952

    Hello everybody!

    I’m using the Feminine Style theme RTL version, and I’m facing a problem that the feature section doesn’t appear in the correct position, it appears at the top of the website out of the frame.

    This issue happens only with the RTL version. I suppose that the problem will be solved by removing any files regards the RTL featured slide. Keeping the section get the features from the origin file (LTR) { only this section, the other sections can take the features from the RTL files }.

    This is my website:

    Please help me


    When I test the options
    this issue happens only when I choose the (( Feature Slider Image Display Options )) to be Full-Screen Background
    but when I choose the ( Responsive Image ), it works perfectly fine.

    I want the first choice to be applied and works perfectly.


    Dear Bedaiwi,
    Have you install any other unnecessary plugin in your WordPress admin panel. If so please uninstall them one by one and check your site again. Let us
    know if still you face problem.

    Best Regards!

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