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  • in reply to: Header banner size #7381

    Hello neringa,
    Thank you so much for your question. The size of google Adsense is 728*90 and have other sizes too. But the size you mentioned above is not the google adsense size. If you want to add your own image for advertisement there, you can make the image as your needed size and put it there. The original size will appeared there. You can try on free version of theme to add the Ad image as your need size. But, there are lots of additional options on Premium version of themes.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: paying for the template #7380

    Hello neringa.
    Our system will automatically provide you the invoice. If you purchased the theme from company name, the invoice will automatically created on the name of company. So, please use the company name while purchasing. If you need additional information on invoice, we need to create a manual invoice for it. Please download the invoice from My Account page.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Themes

    in reply to: The website cannot display the page #7315

    Hello Rabbit,
    It’s our responsibility to solve your problem. Please provide the details of your site in our email, we will solve your issues from our side or please contact us with live chat at the time of availability. We will surely solve your problem and will help to make your site as our demo too.

    Warm Regards
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Subscription #7301

    Hello Chris,

    If you are from paypal, please login to paypal account and from there you get options for cancel subscription. Please try it with the available options.
    Thank you

    in reply to: Responsive #7299

    Hello shamwow,
    Here is the alternative solutions too.
    Please add the below CSS codes on Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS

    @media screen and (max-width: 767px){
    	.inner-main-title {
    		background-attachment: scroll!important;
    		background-position: center -8px;

    Hope this will help you. If problem is not solved, let us know.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Subscription #7295

    Hello Chris,
    Thank you so much for your question. We hope you purchased theme from Credit card. So, please provide us the Order ID of the product, we will cancel the subscription for your account. Please use the contact page for it.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Responsive #7293

    Hello shamwow,
    Thank you so much for using our theme Corporate Plus Pro. Have you used Acme Fix Images Plugin to fix the image size suitable for theme ? Please find the documentation for help. Hope it will help for you.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Fixed frontpage without page text #7279

    Hello try adding the below CSS codes, Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS

    .home #home-content {
        display: none;

    Hope, it will work for you. Please let us know if not worked or any problem arise.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: PUT MAP #7243

    Hello waffiyrosli,
    Thank you so much for your questions. We will check it and inform you about the issues. Because, recently Google change its mechanism for google map. To load map, map API key is needed for it. We will soon add this options on the theme. If it’s urgent, you can customize the theme. Details of API here.

    Warm Regards


    Hello Nikita,
    Thank you so much for your suggestions. Would you please provide us the link of your site, so that we can view the exact changes on it. How it is appearing right now.
    We will do our best to solve this on coming updates.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Autor info translate #7241

    Please create a a .pot file and it’s .mo file of the theme. After that, add that .mo file inside languages folder of Child theme(Make a folder languages on the root directory of theme ) and put that file inside it. Change the language from General > Setting, it will automatically changed. Or, you can find the codes on theme, you can change the text from child theme too.
    For making pot file, please have a look here.

    Thank you

    in reply to: How insert adrotate in your theme #7240

    That shortcode may not support by the widget. Please add the this code add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode'); in functions.php file and try adding the above shortcodes. Please have a look details about it here.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Breadcrumb NavXT plugin #7239

    We checked that code and it is working fine here. Would you please refresh your site or try once by removing the cache.
    If you can’t please contact us from email. Use contact page for it.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Fixed frontpage without page text #7238

    Hello Lars,
    First let us know clearly about the requirements of home page. We think, the requirement are not well understood by us. So, can you prepare a screenshot of home page and mentioned there which section you want to hide ? And the details of requirements. Due to the misconception of requirements, we are not able to provide the best solutions.

    Thank You

    in reply to: The website cannot display the page #7221

    Would you please contact us with email. So we can solve your problem as soon as possible. Use contact page for it.
    We will do our best to solve your problem as soon.
    Thank you

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