Page 246 – Acme Themes

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  • acmesupports

    Happy to know that your problem is solved.

    Thanks 🙂


    Hello Per Johansson,
    Thank you for your question.
    Please add the below CSS codes in Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS

     .category-8 .post-content {
        margin: 0 !important;
     .category-8 .post-thumb {
        display: none;

    Hope, this will solve your problem. If the problem is not solved, let us know.

    Thank You
    Acme Supports


    Hello Martin,
    Thank you so much for your question.
    1. Have you changed the site language from the Setting > General ?
    2. Would you please provide us your site URL ?


    in reply to: Removing date and author #6588

    Hello jimmy@riverhillstraveler,
    The above features are available on premium version including lots of additional features, Please find the difference here.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Switch the spots for the header advertisement and logo? #6587

    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperMag. As per your questions, this feature is only available on the premium version of theme. So, please check our premium product here.

    Thank You

    in reply to: Header advertisement. Non responsive in mobile #6586

    Hello Jaun,
    Thank you so much for using our theme SuperMagPro. In case of Ad Sense responsive on mobile, you need to reload the site once again on mobile and then it will be responsive, otherwise it will not responsive at all. So, try once by viewing from the mobile device and if the header advertisement is not responsive, please reload the page. This is not the fault on the theme, it’s all about Ad sense problem. Hope you will understand.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Cooments with http and % symbols #6585

    Hello lucke-stz,
    Thanks for your question. While adding the comments by the visitor, the website they entered is on that format. So you can manage the comments from Comments tab from the admin menu.

    Hope, this will solve your problem.

    Kind Regards,
    Thank You

    in reply to: Problem with Nextgen Gallery #6571

    Happy to know that your problem is solved. 🙂

    in reply to: Problem with Nextgen Gallery #6555

    Hello please remove the previous codes and add the below codes.

    .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
        margin-right: 3px !important;


    in reply to: Problem with Nextgen Gallery #6552

    Please add the below CSS code on Appearance > Customize > Layout/Design Options > Custom CSS and paste there.

    .ngg-gallery-thumbnail-box {
        margin-right: 3px;

    Hope, this CSS code will solve your problem.

    If the problem is not solved, please let us know. We will provide the best alternative solutions too.

    Best Regards

    in reply to: The theme started to oblige you to crop logo #6541

    Hello mikemarco,
    Thank you so much for using our theme AcmeBlog.
    1. The recommended size for logo is 290*70, so please make the logo with this size and add it.
    2. You can change he logo size from acmetheme/core.php file, you will find the code for custom-log, you can change the height and width there.
    3. Please try the one method and if not worked, try once by making the width of logo to 100%. Have a look here for details.
    Let us know, if you faced any problem again. We are here to help you in every situations.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Problem with Nextgen Gallery #6540

    Hello lucke-stz,
    Please activate the theme SuperNewsPro, we will check the issue on your site and we will solve this issues. While we checked here, it is working fine, so we need to solve the problem on the real problem.
    We will check it and infom you. Please, don’t feel sad, we are here to provide the best possible solutions.

    Thank You 🙂

    in reply to: Logo Image – How to use a large image #6539

    Hello lucke-stz,
    Thank you so much for your question.
    1. You mean to say, you want to remove the Ads banner and change the logo size bigger ? If so, please find the code inside acmethemes/core.php you will find the custom-logo size and try it by increasing the height and width. If you want to make the logo center, please read this blog post here.

    If you have any problem regarding our theme, please let us know. We will do our best to solve your problem.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

    in reply to: Problem with Nextgen Gallery #6515

    Ok, thanks for your interest on our theme. If there is any problem remain, please let us know. We will surely help for your problem.

    Thank You 🙂

    in reply to: Missing Home Main Content Area Widgets #6514

    Hello alhernandez,
    Thank you so much for using our theme. Please read this blog post and follow the every steps.
    Hope that blog post will help to solve your problem.

    Warm Regards,
    Acme Supports

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