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How to Change Date & Time Format on Your WordPress Site

Date & change Time Format on Your WordPress Site

By default, WordPress supports 5 different formats of date and 4 different formats of time via the dashboard. WordPress comes with the built-in function to change the date and time format and it’s very easy to change the format. You can change the date and time format on your WordPress site by going to Settings > General. Login to your website dashboard Go to Settings > General Scroll down to Date Format Section Select the available options for your Date format Select time format on the Time Format section. If the selection is fine, click Save Changes below to save the changes. You can see the examples there before choosing the option. If you want to make the custom Date […]

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How to Enable Excerpt field on Post Page of WordPress?

WordPress has two default post types called Post and Page. Posts are displayed in reverse chronological order from latest to oldest on your blog page or home page. Each time you publish the post it will appear on the blog page. If you want to change the order of the published post, you can simply change the post’s published date. On the other hand, pages are stand-alone content especially used for About Us, Contact, and Information pages. Pages are not repeated like the post and each page has its own content and use. In this blog post, I am only going to share how to enable the excerpt field on the page/post via Screen Options. In WordPress page and post […]

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Best Free WordPress Blog Themes

WordPress is a powerful CMS and best blogging platform due to its flexibility and user-friendly design and features. WordPress has easily customizable options, thousands of free and premium themes for blog and support environment so that WordPress powers 36% of the total website on today’s date. WordPress was popular mainly on blogging platform but nowadays, WordPress can build each and every type of website.  In this blog post, I am going to introduce 20+ free WordPress blog themes of 2020. All the below-listed themes are free. Try the best and suitable theme based on your choice and start blogging today. You can change the website layout easily with the help of the below-listed themes as well. Best Free WordPress Blog […]

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Make your Website SEO Friendly

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It’s a good strategy used by website owners to get more traffic on their sites through the help of search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, Baidu, etc. SEO helps to creating your website that has optimized code and formatting which make it easy for search engines to find your websites. You must need to make your website SEO friendly for getting high traffic and organic users. When people search the topic on search engines & if your website have the same topic and content, search engines will indexed your sites on search results. If your site listed on search results, the chances of clicking by the visitor will be high. So, maintaining SEO […]

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Settings Permalink on WordPress Sites

Permalinks are the permanent URLs to your pages, posts, archives as well as category. Permalink helps to link your content on your web. With the help of permalink, a visitor can easily find your content on your websites. The URL to each post, page, archive, and category are permanent link known as permalink. Setting permalinks on WordPress sites is easy but it must be done with care. WordPress support six types of permalink. They are Default, Day and name, Month and name, Numeric, Post name and Custom structure. You can find the settings for permalink on Admin dashboard and then settings and permalink. You can select any one of the available permalinks and click on Save Changes to save the […]

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Add New Users and Delete Existing users in WordPress Sites

If you want to add new users to your WordPress sites and want to assign different roles and access privileges to your site this blog post will be very helpful for you. Once user created, they will be able to log in to your site with a username and password and get access to your site based on the role specified. WordPress have different user roles include site administrator, editor, author, contributor, and subscriber. User roles control the access level on your site including the ability to write, edit or publish content. Some users have high privileges and some have low. Based on the user requirements, you can set the access privileges.  User with lower access can only see the […]

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How to Make Sticky Posts on WordPress

sticky post in wordpress

In this article, we are talking about How to Make Sticky Posts on WordPress. In WordPress, by default, new post articles are published on the top of your blog. Always, the recent blog is on the top, and so on. With every new article published, your existing articles are pushed down a spot — and eventually, off the front page completely, or the previous post will push down and the recent post will take that place. These are called “sticky” posts” because they are “stuck” to the front page of the site.] Are you wondering about how to make your popular, best article or important information on your blog page always on the top of your site? It’s easy, you […]

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10 Best One Page Free WordPress Themes

Are you looking for the best one page free WordPress Theme for your WordPress Site? Most of the theme is build based on multi pages to provide greater flexibility to add more contents. One page themes are specially built for highlighting the products or information. Generally, the one-page site has less content than the multi-pages sites. Nowadays, many businesses, corporate and personal websites are using one-page themes to create an interactive user experience. In this article, we will show you the best WordPress theme for your one-page site. All the below-listed themes are free. 1. Mercantile: Mercantile is the most advanced free theme ever crafted. It is an entirely innovative, infinitely creative and feature-rich ultimate Multipurpose WordPress theme. The best […]

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Demo Import Process Failed or Shows Errors

If you are using Acme Themes products, we recommend you to use Acme Demo Setup plugin to import the demo data we provided via the documentation page(check respected theme documentation page). While importing the dummy data, if importing failed, then there could be the several reasons for this. You could be doing everything right, but sometimes WordPress still displays errors. Not to worry, though. It may not be your fault and there’s an easy fix. In most of the cases, web hosting causes this type of issues. This type of issues has a high chance to appeared on shared hosting. It can be a bit tricky to fix sometimes depending on your server setup, so let’s run through the most […]

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Pros and Cons of Free and Premium WordPress theme

Are you in confusion about the Pros and Cons of free and premium WordPress themes? The free theme here we are going to mention is listed theme. Pro theme is from various marketplaces like acmethemes, template sell, ThemeForest, mojo market, etc. We would like to request you use the free theme only from trusted places like We don’t recommend you use the theme from other unreliable sources. Pros of Free WordPress Themes It’s Free and sometimes needs to pay for the updates. Due to limited features, it operates faster. Strict Review Process, so that it’s really secure. Regular updates are available, sometimes products must be from a trusted developer. Easy to use due to limited theme options. You can […]

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